20 September 2011

Flight Deck

Flight deck of the USS Tortuga LSD-46 while on deployment in the Atlantic.

02 September 2011

Early Morning Oiler

I've been going through all of my photos taken during my time in the Navy and have decided to post some of my favorites.
This photo was shot early one morning in the Atlantic while approaching an oiler for an underway replenishment. We were on our way home from New Orleans after completing a Katrina relief deployment.

27 August 2011

Yellowstone Textures

I recently took a trip to Yellowstone National Park and decided to focus more on photographing textures through out the park instead of shooting a bunch of super wide angle shots that showed all the major attractions. The amount of texture in the park was incredible and I felt that majority of it was overlooked by most of the visitors that made their way through the park.

04 June 2011

Razor, Cigarette...Astronaut?

I was messing around in the studio one day and decided to put a few random things together just for fun.

02 June 2011

Misfires & Outtakes

These are a few outtakes from a recent shoot that I thought were interesting. The frozen Fred bottle was shot on a scrap piece of translume with a strobe underneath and the old beer can is on a cinder block.

23 March 2011

Pen Pieces

I shot these as an opening image for a copywriter's website. The concept was to have a pen mimic a disassembled gun.

21 March 2011